Benson Idahosa University Graduate Assistant Lecturer and Graduate Assistant Jobs Nigeria
Benson Idahosa University, a private university founded on Christian values has announced the desire to recruit academics and non teaching staff including positions for Assistant Lecturers and Graduate Assistants.
Graduate job opportunities were announced for the following units and departments:
Faculty of Arts and Education
Department of International Studies and Diplomacy / Department of Education / Department of English / French Unit
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences
Department of Business Administration / Department of Accounting
Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences
Department of Maths/Computer Science / Department of Basic Sciences:
Department of Agriculture: Animal Science / Agricultural Economics and Extension / Agronomy and Environmental Management
Qualifications and Requirements
Assistant Lecturer:
A Master's degree in addition to a good first degree, with evidence of current registration for the Doctoral Degree in a reputable university. Progress report on Ph.D programme and ICT proficiency are required.
Graduate Assistant:
A good honours degree not below second class honours (upper division) subject to the applicant showing adequate aptitude for teaching and research.
Method of Application
Candidates are required to submit 15 applications together with 15 signed copies of the current Curriculum Vitae containing the following information:
a. Name: (Underline Surname)
b. Date and place of Birth
c. Marital Status: No. of Children (with ages)
d. Nationality
e. Permanent Home Address
f. Current postal Address/Tel. No./E-mail
g. Present Position / Salary per annum
h. Post for which applicant wishes to be considered.
i. Department into which the applicant is to be appointed.
1. Academic Qualifications:
a. Degree (with dates and granting bodies)
b. Diploma and Professional Qualifications: with dates and granting bodies)
2. Teaching and Professional Experience:
a. Employment/professional experience
b. Period of full time teaching
c. Courses taught
d. Postgraduate Students'Supervision.
3. Conferences Attended:
(Indicate title of conference, date, place and paper presented)
4. Publications/Creative Works:
a. Materials already published:
i. Books ii. Chapters in Books iii. Journal Articles iv. Others
b. Materials accepted but not yet published:
i. Books ii. Chapters in Books iii. Journal Articles iv. Others
(a) External Examinership: Indicate whether undergraduate or Postgraduate examination, institution and dates.
(b) Membership of learned Societies (indicate body and date).
(c) Prizes/Honours/Award/Distinctions (list and date).
(d) Any other relevant information.
1. Deanship/Directorship/Headship/Coordiantorship Experience, (indicate post held and dates.
2. Service on university committees (indicate committees, posts held and dates).
3. Services to relevant public bodies( indicate body, position and nature of assignment and dates)
4. Signature and Date
Curriculum Vitae that does not conform with the above format will not be considered.
Applications should be submitted within 14 days of this publication either directly to the Registrar's Office or by postage in a sealed envelope indicating "Vacancies for Teaching Staff" or " Vacancies for Non-Teaching Staff" as the case may be, at the top left corner of the envelope.
Please note that former applicants need to update their application in line with the above.
Curriculum Vitae that does not conform to the above format will not be considered.
Applications should be submitted by 20 September 2011 either directly to the Registrar's Office OR by postage in a sealed envelope indicating "Vacancies for Teaching Staff" at the top left corner of the envelope. Please note that former applicants need to update their application in line with the above.
i. Applicants must be faith based and produce Godly character.
ii. Sections B and C are strictly for candidates applying for academic positions.
iii. All candidates are expected to apply through the
university website and send a hard copy of their applications to the Registrar.
iv. Curriculum Vitae that does not conform with the above format will not be considered.